Description: This 4 -day workshop is for both new and experienced AP teachers in either AP macroeconomics or AP microeconomics to become more familiar with the content, assessments and methodologies associated with these classes and programs offered by College Board. Participants will work individually as well as in pairs and teams to do activities and assessments in both courses. Additionally, attendees will use actual AP exams to grade and learn the reading process in scoring these tests. Time will be allotted for discussion and preparing for the AP course audit.
Expectations/ learning outcomes:
- Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the scope and sequence of both courses.
- Participants will learn how to vary instruction to include a variety of best practices in exploring content, methodology and assessments in both courses.
- Participants will become more aware of a wider variety of materials, in both print and non-print formats, to use in planning, delivering and assessing lessons for their students.
Required reading/ preparation prior to the workshop: Read and become familiar with the AP Macroeconomics and AP Microeconomics course descriptions on AP central website and APSI site for the Lewes APSI.
Work to be done between Day 1 and Day 4 on site: Using information and materials from the first day of the workshop, identify and be able to show in class on day 4 an area in their current assignment that benefits from day 1 work as well as an area to focus on improving during day 4 in class.
During the workshop, these procedures will be used to engage and measure student/ teacher learning outcomes:
- Attendees will be engaged in group, paired or individual activities to learn and explore material.
- Attendees will use both multiple choice and free response exam items to see how these work and can be effective teaching moments in class.
- Attendees will use both print and non- print materials to be engaged with and exposed to content.
- Attendees will reflect on ways this workshop will modify and change their design and teaching of future classes in this course.
AP Economics Workshop Materials (revised): 2019 edition by The College Board
AP Macroeconomics and Microeconomics Curriculum Modules: 2019 (revised) by The College Board
Instructor provided materials, websites and visual items and activities
Sample textbooks from selected publishers
Teacher shared ideas and activities
Possible guest speaker-AP teacher in the Delaware region to visit class and share with you
- Welcome
- E-C-O-N-O-M-I-C-S opening activity
- Sample AP FRQ to grade
- Sample AP Multiple Choice questions set to grade
- Discussion
- Activities on AP course and testing strategies
- AP microeconomics topics to be covered including:
- Production possibility curves
- Absolute and Comparative advantage
- Supply and Demand activities
- Marginal Analysis
- Sample FRQ- Example 2
- Sample MC questions in Example set 2
- Economics Literacy Project and learning to read the textbook as well as outside the text more effectively
- Show websites on AP microeconomic topic
- AP central and how to use it effectively for planning and teaching
- AP Macroeconomics course outline:
- Basic Economic concepts
- Economic Indicators & the Business Cycle
- National Income & Price determination
- Financial Sector
- Long run consequences of Stabilization policies
- Open Economy: International trade and finance
- Planning your semester or year if you teach both or only one of the two AP classes
- Sample MC questions for AP macroeconomics- set 1
- Sample FRQ for AP macroeconomics- example 1
- Measuring Economic performance
- AD / AS models and activities
- Monetary and Fiscal policies and activities
- Sample FRQ- 2
- Sample MC questions – set 2
- International trade and global economics
- Test strategies
- Simulations, websites and activities to model and use in classes
- AP central and how to use it effectively for planning and teaching
- Summation of days 1-4 and assignment due dates for those with a need for graduate credit needs
Bruce L. Damasio, currently at Harford and Howard Community Colleges, has been a reader and one of the original readers for the AP Economics exams, from 1989 to 2009. He is on the staff of the Maryland Council for Economics Education as the staff member responsible for teacher training at the secondary level and AP coordination for Maryland. He is the past president of GATE (Global Association of Teachers of Economics), associated with the Council for Economic Education, serving as president from 2005 to 2009 and served as a consultant for AP publications from CEE during that time. He was a board member twice, from 2002 to 2010 for the National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) based in Washington DC. In 2002, he was the National Teacher of the Year in the United States for Social Studies. He has conducted numerous one day workshops for College Board across the United States as well as summer week-long APSI trainings at sites across America, including: New Mexico State, New Mexico Highlands University, Goucher College, University of San Diego, LaSalle University, Fordham University, Lewes AP* and numerous state and local school systems.
He has been to China six previous times for AP trainings as well as trips to Taiwan, South Korea, Pakistan and the UAE for College Board workshops. Bruce also taught 6 years of middle school and 27 years of high school social studies and economics in Maryland. In 2015, he was a fellow attending the Imperial War Museum/ American Air Museum in Britain summer institute at London, Cambridge and RAF Duxford. He conducted and presented research on the 8th Air Force and attended briefings and visited sites. Presently, he is a TOP trainer for the Goethe Institute based in Washington DC and works with teachers and travel to Germany for study and education tours.
Course Instructor
Bruce Damascio
M.S. Degree, Johns Hopkins University
Institute Faculty
The faculty have been selected for their teaching expertise, creativity, innovations in teaching and experience with the AP* Program curriculum. All faculty members are endorsed and certified by the Middle Atlantic Regional Office of The College Board and have demonstrated a commitment to excellence that is second to none.
Daily Schedule
Classes run from 7:30-400 – Instructors will send you an agenda with their class times. Class times may vary depending on the instructor.
Instructors encourage sharing among participants that will enhance the knowledge and skills of all participants for effective teaching. The opportunity to exchange and communicate with instructors and colleagues within the Middle Atlantic Region and beyond is a valued support resource for the entire school year.
Questions/concerns about your particular course can be addressed by going to course description and clicking on the “Ask a Question” button. You will then be able to e-mail the instructor. Any problems call the Lewes AP* Summer Institute office at 302-567-1400.
* This Summer Institute has been endorsed by Advanced Placement Program, AP, Pre-AP, College Board and it’s logo are registered trademarks of the College Board.