European History
This AP Summer Institute in AP European History is intended for new and beginning AP teachers looking to implement a successful program in their school. Enrollment is also recommended for experienced AP teachers eager to gain insight into the current Curriculum and Design Framework in order to hone their craft. This summer institute will explore the themes, historical reasoning processes, content objectives, and time periods that define the course expectations. This institute will also explain the grading of the exam.
During the institute, participants will have the opportunity to examine sample lesson plans, review the regulations for the course audit, and begin developing a pacing guide. Sample lessons will be supplied and teachers will be given opportunities to discuss and construct other lessons related to the course. While the course will cover the pacing for the entire year, participants will be given the opportunity to develop their first unit in order to receive feedback on pacing and lesson ideas.
Most importantly, the workshop will create an environment of mutual respect among participants and the instructor in order to encourage a dialogue and discussion regarding issues and concerns related to AP European History.
Day One:
- Introduction to the Course Exam and Description
- AP Style Questions
- Course at a Glance
- Planning and Pacing
Day Two:
- The AP Exam Format
- Historical Thinking Skills:
- Developments and Processes
- Causation
- Continuity and Change
- Introduction the Document Based Question
Day Three:
- Introduction to the Long Essay Question
- Historical Thinking Skills:
- Comparison
- Contextualization
- Analyzing Primary Sources
- Analyzing Art
- Enrichment with the Document Based Question
Day Four:
- Enrichment with the Long Essay Question
- Historical Thinking Skills:
- Analyzing Secondary Sources
- Argumentation
- Discussion Techniques
- Introduction to AP Classroom
- Complete Course Audit
Day Five:
- Reviewing for the AP Exam
- Planning Unit 1
Catherine Holden Desmond has been teaching AP European History for over ten years at a comprehensive high school in the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland. She has been an AP Reader, Table Leader and/or Question Leader for the exam for over ten years allowing her the opportunity to understand the nuances of the scoring for the written portion of the exam, as well as, contributing to AP Daily, the College Board sponsored website that provides content and skill development for all AP courses. Catherine has written for various textbook companies related to the content and skills associated with teaching AP European History. In addition, to being a high school teacher, Catherine taught Western Civilization I & II at a local college and I have been a Park Ranger with the National Park Service.
Course Instructor

Catherine Holden Desmond
M.A. Degree, Villanova University
Institute Faculty
The faculty have been selected for their teaching expertise, creativity, innovations in teaching and experience with the AP* Program curriculum. All faculty members are endorsed and certified by the Middle Atlantic Regional Office of The College Board and have demonstrated a commitment to excellence that is second to none.
Daily Schedule
Classes run from 7:30-400 – Instructors will send you an agenda with their class times. Class times may vary depending on the instructor.
Instructors encourage sharing among participants that will enhance the knowledge and skills of all participants for effective teaching. The opportunity to exchange and communicate with instructors and colleagues within the Middle Atlantic Region and beyond is a valued support resource for the entire school year.
Questions/concerns about your particular course can be addressed by going to course description and clicking on the “Ask a Question” button. You will then be able to e-mail the instructor. Any problems call the Lewes AP* Summer Institute office at 302-567-1400.

* This Summer Institute has been endorsed by Advanced Placement Program, AP, Pre-AP, College Board and it’s logo are registered trademarks of the College Board.