Modern World History
This course is designed to give inexperienced and experienced teachers the tools necessary to develop an Advanced Placement World History: Modern course in a public or private school setting. The workshop will provide a better understanding of the scope and sequence of this course as designed by the College Board committee. We will examine possible textbooks, sourcebooks and print and online supplementary materials, analyze the course exam, and develop scaffolding and enrichment activities that will help facilitate a college level program. Participants will share their own educational experiences and how Advanced Placement has affected their teacher development. This course will employ the use of facilitator presentation, student presentation, classroom discussion, classroom readings, essay writing and scoring, and small group discussions. Classroom enrichment exercises will focus on world history and simulations that emphasize conceptual and skills development. A few video sequences will be used as resource tools.
Course Objectives
The attendee will:
- Understand the mission statement of the College Board and how it affects the development of an AP World History: Modern class.
- Develop an AP World History: Modern scope and sequence that will match one’s respective school calendar and state social studies academic requirements.
- Devise or improve a curriculum that will include the following topics:
- Humans and the Environment
- Cultural Developments and Interactions
- Governance
- Economic Systems
- Social Interactions and Organization
- Technology and Innovation
- Develop a knowledge base that will emphasize the important facts, concepts, and theories by understanding typical patterns of the political process, behavior and institutions that are relevant to World History: Modern.
- Research the various textbooks and supplementary materials available in an attempt to develop a resource library.
- Evaluate measurement strategies used by the College Board in developing multiple choice and essay test banks in an attempt to design applicable tools.
- Analyze effective writing strategies that students will need to employ for successful AP examinations and college-level rigor.
Extract enrichment activities, demonstrations, and best practice devices from classroom interaction and networking.
Monica Bond-Lamberty received her BA in history from Williams College in Massachusetts and her MAT from Brown University in Rhode Island and is an experienced Advanced Placement World History teacher who has won prizes for her teaching from the World History Association. She is a former member of the AP World History Test Development Committee (TDC), a College Board consultant, and has taken part in the annual scoring of the AP World History examination since the first year of the exam. She is nationally board certified in social studies, which she taught for nine years in Madison, Wisconsin and has been teaching since 2008 in Montgomery County, Maryland. She has lived in the Dominican Republic, Poland, Peru, Guatemala, Japan, and Nicaragua and has traveled extensively in Europe, Latin America, Asia and North Africa.
Course Instructor
Monica Bond-Lamberty
BA Degree, Williams College
MAT Degree, Brown University
Institute Faculty
The faculty have been selected for their teaching expertise, creativity, innovations in teaching and experience with the AP* Program curriculum. All faculty members are endorsed and certified by the Middle Atlantic Regional Office of The College Board and have demonstrated a commitment to excellence that is second to none.
Daily Schedule
Classes run from 7:30-400 – Instructors will send you an agenda with their class times. Class times may vary depending on the instructor.
Instructors encourage sharing among participants that will enhance the knowledge and skills of all participants for effective teaching. The opportunity to exchange and communicate with instructors and colleagues within the Middle Atlantic Region and beyond is a valued support resource for the entire school year.
Questions/concerns about your particular course can be addressed by going to course description and clicking on the “Ask a Question” button. You will then be able to e-mail the instructor. Any problems call the Lewes AP* Summer Institute office at 302-567-1400.
* This Summer Institute has been endorsed by Advanced Placement Program, AP, Pre-AP, College Board and it’s logo are registered trademarks of the College Board.