Spanish Language & Culture
This institute will present the pre-A.P. through to the A.P. curriculum with strategies to develop higher level skill in speaking, listening, reading and writing. The examination in Language will be thoroughly reviewed together with the latest changes to the upcoming format.
• New College Board Policies, materials, dates and procedures effective August 2019
• The College Board philosophy of access and equity
• Strategies that promote a diversified and inclusive AP classroom
• The focus of the free-response questions for 2021
• The current AP Scoring Guidelines (for complete exam)
• The AP scoring process
• The relevance of free response questions to the curriculum
• Strategies to develop skills for success on the free-response section
• A clear, working definition of critical thinking
• The critical thinking and reading skills necessary for success on the AP Spanish Language exam
• The importance of embedding these skills in instruction
• Instructional strategies and activities that promote critical thinking and reading skills
• Lessons, strategies, and activities that promote learning among students with diverse needs
• Multiple approaches to exam content through practicing activities, lessons and strategies (per CED)
• Ideas for expanding participants repertoire of classroom activities and strategies
• Enhanced understanding of the skills demanded by the multiple-choice section of the exam
• A variety of review strategies that reinforce the course and ensure success on the exam
• A variety of Web-based resources
• The range of Pre-AP & AP professional development workshops
• A variety of non-College Board resources that are discipline-specific: additions for 2021
• Professional organizations that can aid the AP teacher
• A review of the most useful tools of the day
Day One:
- General Introductions and assessment of group needs and desires, detailed discussion of new College Board materials
- Introduction to online College Board materials (AP Classroom, Question Bank, Pacing)
- General discussion of the 2019, 2020 (practice exam), and 2021 exam
- Discussions of the overall rigors of the entire 4-6 year language programs
- textbook sequencing
- tracking
- specific pre-AP topics: reading and writing
- equity
- Integration of the six themes
Day Two:
- Morning
- Teaching Speaking
- Teaching Listening
- Afternoon
- Informal Speaking
- Formal Speaking
Day Three:
- Morning
- Listening Activities
- Reading
- Afternoon
- Informal Writing
- Formal Writing
Day Four:
- Presentation of Materials developed by participants
- Wrap-up, Conclusions
Bio coming soon.
Course Instructor
Michele De Cruz-Saenz
Ph.D. Degree, University of Pennsylvania
Institute Faculty
The faculty have been selected for their teaching expertise, creativity, innovations in teaching and experience with the AP* Program curriculum. All faculty members are endorsed and certified by the Middle Atlantic Regional Office of The College Board and have demonstrated a commitment to excellence that is second to none.
Daily Schedule
Classes run from 7:30-400 – Instructors will send you an agenda with their class times. Class times may vary depending on the instructor.
Instructors encourage sharing among participants that will enhance the knowledge and skills of all participants for effective teaching. The opportunity to exchange and communicate with instructors and colleagues within the Middle Atlantic Region and beyond is a valued support resource for the entire school year.
Questions/concerns about your particular course can be addressed by going to course description and clicking on the “Ask a Question” button. You will then be able to e-mail the instructor. Any problems call the Lewes AP* Summer Institute office at 302-567-1400.
* This Summer Institute has been endorsed by Advanced Placement Program, AP, Pre-AP, College Board and it’s logo are registered trademarks of the College Board.